G-day (the 25 May) is fast approaching, when charities will need to be GDPR-compliant. While half of charities apparently haven't heard of it there's no shortage of resources so I've put together a list of the resources I've seen produced on github.
If you see anything missing then please add an issue or make a pull request (or tweet me @kanedr) and I'll add it.
My view on GDPR is that, as a consumer, it's a welcome rebalancing of data rights from organisations to individuals, and I think organisations can embrace it positively to think better about how they handle data about their clients, staff, donors and beneficiaries.
With that in mind I'd highly recommend these resources by IF. They show ways in which GDPR doesn't just have to be an annoyance that means you have to reword your forms, but instead something that can help you fundamentally rethink the way your users need you to handle their data.